Thursday, August 12, 2010


I bought Tillie this white top last fall on clearance at the Gap.  I loved the nautical look to it.  She wore it a lot this spring with jeans and cardigans.  Today I paired it with short denim cargo shorts from Old Navy.  Really, the whole outfit was a way to wear the new brown bow I found at Target.  (Those random Target bow? So Dorable brand.)
Please excuse how wrinkly this shirt is.  It was at the bottom of a pile.


Cara said...

I love that shirt! I think I'm going to enlist you for shopping help when Coco arrives...cute clothes are hard to find on a budget!

Amber said...

Cute clothes aren't really that hard to find on a budget. I buy 80% of Tillie's clothes during end of season sales and save it for the next year.