Sunday, September 12, 2010

Party Dress

I originally bought this Gymboree Nice Kitty dress thinking Tillie would wear it for her first birthday party.  Instead, I made the outfit she wore.  I kept this dress packed away for fall because she had entirely too many summer dresses.

My mom has a picture (that we tried to find today and couldn't) of my grandma and my Aunt Dawn at a birthday party.  My aunt was dressed to the nines with a dress, petticoat, ruffled socks and patent leather shoes.  It is completely awesome and was the look I was going for today.  It didn't really work because the dress is a little to long and the tulle skirt is a little too short.  Still. Tillie looks just darling.  I wish she would have smiled better for the camera.  I might try again tonight.

You can't see it there, but she is "talking" on Tim's cellphone here.  She's not as into my retro look apparently.

The socks are from the Gymboree Winter Ballerina line.  I bought them on clearance this summer.


Cara said...

cute! I think I've seen that picture before...

Amber said...

I LOVE that picture. I was going to scan it today so that I could print a copy for myself.