Sunday, August 26, 2012

Big Peach Gingham

I bought Tillie this crewcuts dress last summer during a sale.  Tillie had a matching top.  I was hoping that by buying a 3 she'd be able to wear it for two years in a row.  She might be able to wear it for two, but it will be next year!  It runs wider than I expected for crewcuts.  This June when I tried it on her I didn't think she'd be able to wear it this summer at all.  I tied it tighter this morning and I think it looks better.  She did grow an inch since then so it's shorter...

The color isn't as great on her as I thought it would be.  Usually she can wear pastels well, but this isn't my favorite look on her.

These are the Salt Waters I bought in the same sale last summer thinking she'd be an 8 this year.  They're still  too big, but I figured it was okay for church.  White sandals just didn't work with this outfit.

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